Oct 30, 2017
This week Jason talks to Dave Nelson, the Fake Advice for New Comics segment contributor and host of the podcast Comedy A-Go-Go, about the curse of the show crossing over into his podcast. There is a battle rap by Epic Rap Battles of History between Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe. Then comedian Karen Rontowski joins the show. Karen has been a touring headlining comedian and has been on the Bob & Tom radio show, the Late Show with David Letterman, Ghosthunters and many other shows. In addition to stand up comedy, Karen is a professional tarot card reader. They talk about a very weird experience that happened in Jason's house over the weekend, if the show is cursed, what the future of the show is and much, much more.
Wanna contact the show? Send an email to jason@wedonthavecookies.com or call 929-266-9342 and leave a voicemail.
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Visit Karen's website by clicking here, listen to her podcast by clicking here and follow here on Twitter by clicking here.
Listen to Dave Nelson's podcast by clicking here and follow him on Twitter by clicking here.
Check out Epic Rap Battles of History's YouTube channel by clicking here.
Cover art by Sam Dealey, visit his website by clicking here and follow him on Twitter by clicking here.