Jan 21, 2016
This week on Don Smith and Jason were joined by Keith Irvin and Alex Boling The Life. They talk about how they got into comedy, news stories, and more! Jason still isn't feeling great so he was quiet and the show ended a bit early.
Wanna contact the show? Send an email to jason@wedonthavecookies.com
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Jan 18, 2016
This week Jason had a medical incident and there wasn't a show but he wanted to make sure he put something out. Things will be back on track this Thursday with a new episode of The Life. Thanks for sticking with the show!
Wanna contact the show? Send an email to jason@wedonthavecookies.com or 929-266-WDHC and leave a...
Jan 18, 2016
The Life is back! Don Smith and Jason talk to comedian Mike Canestaro about writing, read horoscopes, go over a few strange news stories and more. (At 15:05 you can hear a human man walk right into the studio window) Pandy Kauffman came in to talk about his life as a panda, Mike Canestaro bailing on him as a manager and...
Jan 11, 2016
The show was thrown into a tailspin this week and Jason explains why. Despite how it may come across he's actually upset about it. He also talks about getting a special kind of coffee in the mail. It's a quick one.
Wanna contact the show or have an impression request for Mark Ofuji? Send an email to
Jan 4, 2016
This week Jason is joined by comedianne Mama Kate and her husband Andy to kick off 2016. It's the biggest show of the year so far! Jason announces a new website for the show, wedonthavecookies.com, and a voicemail number, 929-266- WDHC. Jason has started giving guests gift bags now, they discuss the contents (sorry...